Headshots - seemingly simple, maybe even boring. But here’s the trick, here’s the secret: NOTHING has to be boring. Make fun and take enjoyment from everything in life.

Headshots - seemingly simple, maybe even boring. But here’s the trick, here’s the secret: NOTHING has to be boring. Make fun and take enjoyment from everything in life.
Do you know about all the things that go on in your city? The ins and outs, the cliques, the fandoms, the like-minds that gather together? One of those just might be a burlesque scene. Minneapolis is full of amazing artists - from music to 2D art, makers, performers, and more. Emerald Eve just so happens to be a part of our talented burlesque scene, as well as an activist and organizer for the cities LGBTQ+ events. You can find her performing on the weekends at a number of venues downtown Minneapolis, find her on facebook to catch her in the act! 🤩💋
A few years back it seemed like every summer was spent wedding planning with different friends of mine, and getting the opportunity to take engagement photos of them with their lovers. Fast forward a few years, and the families are starting! Mei is a nature-lovin’, crafty, take no crap type lady and I love every bit of her. Honored to photograph her in this cute-as-can-be state of pregnancy, and excited to meet the little one she’s creating.
Back again with my favorite - Yess Yoga Studio. Another round of folks successfully completed their yoga teacher training, courtesy of Lucia. Each one of them unique and a joy to photograph. I will photograph passions and craft til the day I die, and I will never tire of it. Play, create, turn everything into magic!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - give me all the babies, all of the time.
But for real - these in-home sessions are hands down my favorite. They always feel true and natural and I LOVE that. Home is where the heart is.
Kids all grown? GREAT! Let’s document it! No need to stop doing family photos once the kids are out of the house. Everyone is constantly growing and changing, it’s a wonderful thing.
(Psst…schedule a family session and GIFT it to your mom - voila! You are now the favorite child ;) )
These guys are the definition of family. Big sister is mini-mom, helping wrangle those little brothers of hers. Dad is quick on his feet with distractions and ideas to keep everyone happy. And mom is the glue - obviously. I’ve known mom since elementary school, HER mom was actually my third grade teacher. So watching this little family grow and flourish is just beautiful.
This couple is the sweetest, most fun-loving, easy-going pair of humans. It’s really a great feeling as a photographer when your clients are comfortable with who they are, and can share that with you. These moments are when my job feels perfect.
I cannot wait until these two tie the knot next September! If it’s even half as much magic as their engagement session, sparks will be flying. ✨😍
This mother doesn’t want you to have to go into Motherhood alone. She believes YOU should be mothered as you go into this journey. Then, hopefully, with this support you will be able to thrive and feel empowered as you start this new chapter of your life.
Offering an array of in-home services - from acupuncture and cupping, to postpartum massage, vaginal steams, home cooked Ayurvedic meals, and even infant massage - Mother Medicine will be there for you through this transitional time. Because who doesn’t love a little help from Mom?
You can find her on Instagram here
- and check out her full website here!
If you’ve been wanting to do some portraits - for business, for fun, for you, for any reason - what’s been stopping you? How often a week do you want something and say to yourself “eh, it’s only $20 - I won’t miss $20”? In ten years, will you still have all those $20 impulse buys? Or what about the $5 you spend on coffee four times a week? In ten years you WILL have those pictures you decided to have taken. You’ll look back at them and say DAMN I looked GOOD. I had spunk. I had flair. I had fun. I’m glad I did that.
Let’s create some beauty together.
Back again! Alex has been one of my best friends for…15 years? Holy wow. Seeing her as a mother of two is a pleasure, she is exactly in her element. That goes for her husband, Dan, as well - they’re both amazing caretakers and givers, and their littles are lucky to have them. (Heck - she’s even listed as my ‘mother’ on facebook, and I don’t plan on changing that…ever)
I’m petitioning for this baby to hold a TED talk to all other babies - on how to act in front of a camera. She was the cutest, the smiliest, the flirtiest little gal, she made my job a breeze! And mom had some pretty great styling to put the cherry on top of an amazing one year session. :)
Maybe there’s something in the water up here in Minnesota, but every baby I’ve photographed lately has been a 10/10. Gerber baby status. This lil guy posed, followed me around with his eyes the whole time, and stole the hearts of every person who saw baby’s first photoshoot.
The perfect kick-off to a summer of photographing beautiful babies!
My partner (Anthony) and I had the opportunity to capture some fun headshots and marketing photos for his good friend Jeremy Beaman last month. He’s an incredibly talented Minnesotan musician. You can find him playing lots of festivals in the local circuit throughout the summer - beginning with Project Earth coming up in June.
This year I figured there was no better way to celebrate my birthday than gathering all my girlfriends, my camera, some champagne, and have my self a booty-boudie-bday. ;)
location: Studio Apparatus
In this ever changing life it’s nice to have some constants. This lady has been a constant in mine for over 10 years now and I plan on keeping it that way. When someone brings light and energy into your life and daily routine, you hang onto that person for a lifetime. <3
I’m lucky enough to have this lil cutie be a part of my family. My closest cousin growing up had her first baby this summer and boy is she loved, by humans and animals alike. ;)
I’ve only got one thing to say - senior sessions are the best. The end.
One of my favorite little family's back again! I love doing photos regularly with these friends of mine, and I'm happy to be here to witness first hand as they grow into a family of 4. Baby boy due early June and we can't wait to meet him. :)
I've always loved babies, but after working with a local in-hospital photography service for the past couple years I've realized how special those first few moments of life are. Babies change so crazy fast that it's so important to document those fleeting moments. And I've learned that even when everything feels like a whirlwind, it'll be those crazy moments that you feel nostalgic for later on.
In-home newborn sessions are one of my favorite things to shoot. Babies are so innately adorable, adding tens of props and odd poses really doesn't do them any justice on their own. So I like to sit back, and document life as it happens. I want to capture those first moments of them in their own crib, dad feeding the baby so mom can finally take a shower, siblings meeting for the first time. Real life doesn't have to be glamorous, but it's emotional and it's beautiful. And you'll be so happy to have those memories documented.