S family

Kids all grown? GREAT! Letโ€™s document it! No need to stop doing family photos once the kids are out of the house. Everyone is constantly growing and changing, itโ€™s a wonderful thing.

(Psstโ€ฆschedule a family session and GIFT it to your mom - voila! You are now the favorite child ;) )

B family

These guys are the definition of family. Big sister is mini-mom, helping wrangle those little brothers of hers. Dad is quick on his feet with distractions and ideas to keep everyone happy. And mom is the glue - obviously. Iโ€™ve known mom since elementary school, HER mom was actually my third grade teacher. So watching this little family grow and flourish is just beautiful.

R family

Back again! Alex has been one of my best friends forโ€ฆ15 years? Holy wow. Seeing her as a mother of two is a pleasure, she is exactly in her element. That goes for her husband, Dan, as well - theyโ€™re both amazing caretakers and givers, and their littles are lucky to have them. (Heck - sheโ€™s even listed as my โ€˜motherโ€™ on facebook, and I donโ€™t plan on changing thatโ€ฆever)