B family

These guys are the definition of family. Big sister is mini-mom, helping wrangle those little brothers of hers. Dad is quick on his feet with distractions and ideas to keep everyone happy. And mom is the glue - obviously. I’ve known mom since elementary school, HER mom was actually my third grade teacher. So watching this little family grow and flourish is just beautiful.

R family

Back again! Alex has been one of my best friends for…15 years? Holy wow. Seeing her as a mother of two is a pleasure, she is exactly in her element. That goes for her husband, Dan, as well - they’re both amazing caretakers and givers, and their littles are lucky to have them. (Heck - she’s even listed as my ‘mother’ on facebook, and I don’t plan on changing that…ever)

one year portraits - baby R

I’m petitioning for this baby to hold a TED talk to all other babies - on how to act in front of a camera. She was the cutest, the smiliest, the flirtiest little gal, she made my job a breeze! And mom had some pretty great styling to put the cherry on top of an amazing one year session. :)

In-home newborn session - Baby C

I've always loved babies, but after working with a local in-hospital photography service for the past couple years I've realized how special those first few moments of life are. Babies change so crazy fast that it's so important to document those fleeting moments. And I've learned that even when everything feels like a whirlwind, it'll be those crazy moments that you feel nostalgic for later on.

In-home newborn sessions are one of my favorite things to shoot. Babies are so innately adorable, adding tens of props and odd poses really doesn't do them any justice on their own. So I like to sit back, and document life as it happens. I want to capture those first moments of them in their own crib, dad feeding the baby so mom can finally take a shower, siblings meeting for the first time. Real life doesn't have to be glamorous, but it's emotional and it's beautiful. And you'll be so happy to have those memories documented.